A mortgage loan is a type of secured loan that you can avail by keeping an immovable asset as mortgage with the lender. The asset can be a residential/commercial property or other immovable properties like heavy machinery.
This type of loan is secured on the borrower’s property as per process which is called mortgage origination. Such loans are long-term advances with repayment tenors ranging from 10 – 20 years and interest rates much lower compared to unsecured advances. You can utilise the loan amount to meet diverse funding needs involving big-ticket expenditures.
- We help our clients avail various kinds of mortgage loans like Loan Against Property (LAP), Overdraft Facility (OD), Lease Rental Discounting (LRD), Home Loans, etc. from leading banks/FIs
- We help our clients get competitive and optimal pricing
- We offer advisory on various terms and conditions as regards the above loans
- We offer assistance in Real Estate identification and acquisition based on your risk appetite and return expectation
- We offer assistance with Balance Transfer (BT) to alternative lenders for pricing and other benefits
- We help our clients obtain Project Approval from various banks for their respective real estate projects
- We get competitive sanctions from multiple funding institutions so as to enable our clients negotiate better with their lenders.